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Welcome to my website

On this site you will find interesting experiments from many specific fields of science. Especially experiments with high voltage, tesla coils, light and gamma spectrometry, radiation and chemistry.

"There are a lot of magicians but the real and genuine trick has been done only by Nikola Tesla"

-- Nothing is impossible --

Something about Me

My name is Martin, I was born in Prostejov (Czech Republic) and I'm 32 years old. I graduated from the Secondary Technical School of Electrical (Božetěchova st. in Olomouc), field of communication technology. Then I started studying High school(VUT, Brno), but the practice is currently more important to me than learning.I am looking for a high voltage technologies that fascinates me and other things in the field of electronics, physics and chemistry. Just everything, from the receivers to the dosimeters and wireless transmission of energy from the RF field to astronomy. I am interested in a different tubes filled with noble gases and a spectral analysis of elements and their collections.

I want to warn of the danger of the devices described here and do not recommend them to anyone build. The author in case of any damage to property or health, does not take any responsibility.

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